
Product map and milestones

The Birth of SLBS

Stage number

Stage description

  • idea formation;

  • team gathering;

  • product design;

  • coordination of site prototypes;

Implementation time frame

Q3, 2021

Start of development

Stage number

Stage description

  • system architecture development;

  • writing a technical specification for a product;

  • landing page development;

  • marketing strategy development;

Implementation time frame

Q4, 2021

Partnerships & Investors

Stage number

Stage description

  • work with investors for long-term cooperation;

  • marketing company Stage 1 start;

Implementation time frame

Q1, 2022

IDO & Public sale

Stage number

Stage description

  • IDO;

  • Public sale;

  • marketing company Stage 2 start;

Implementation time frame

Q1, 2022

Loyalty Program functionality

Stage number

Stage description

  • Loyalty program launch;

  • Matic/SLB$ game ALPHA-version testing;

Implementation time frame

Q1, 2022

First BETA game

Stage number

Stage description

  • "Test Your Luck" Matic/SLB$ BETA-version launch;

  • Community tests;

  • Community program Stage 1 launch;

Implementation time frame

Q1, 2022

SLBS in Production

Stage number

Stage description

  • Matic/SLB$ mainnet "Test Your Luck" launch;

  • marketing company Stage 3 start;

Implementation time frame

Q1, 2022

Community Program & Intuition BETA

Stage number

Stage description

  • Community Program Stage 2 launch;

  • "Intuition" Game BETA launch

Implementation time frame

Q1/Q2, 2022

Partnership Program & Intuition

Stage number

Stage description

  • Partnership Program launch;

  • Community Program Stage 3 launch;

  • "Intuition" Game launch

Implementation time frame

Q2-Q3, 2022


Stage number

Stage description

  • To the FUTURE!

Implementation time frame

Many, many more Qs!

Last updated